Thursday, April 11, 2013

Choose Happy

It's been a bit heavy on motherhood and things no one told you. And although I could tell you about my weeping goodbye to USAA today, rather I'd talk about something lovely.

Have you ever met a person that you had an instant connection with? The type of person who you could make the most nonsensical (ilovethatword) comment to and they would totally understand. The kind of person that you can just look at and know how they are feeling or what they were needing at that time? 

I'm in love with that connection. 

I love to connect with people, learn about people and their life. It makes me happy to see other people happy. I love to surprise people (even though most of those closest to me know I'm terrible about surprises because I get so excited and spill the beans early). I love, love. And not just in my relationship with my husband, but with my relationship with my friends and family. 

I pour my heart and soul into everything I do. Whether it's cleaning that fridge, educating my son, my career, or having an amazing conversation with a friend or family member. Some call it passion. I guess I have a passion for life. I like to see the good in others, to motivate those around me to become better and be their biggest cheerleaders. 

So I leave you with this today. Grab someone and give them a hug, write a letter you've wanted to write but put aside, call your grandmother and tell her you love her, do something for yourself. But be passionate, be confident, be happy.