Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy May!

I'm a little late on this one as May is half over but that's ok! I've been busy, but who hasn't? Lots of great recipes I'll be sharing tomorrow morning just in time for Mother's Day! 

Mother's Day is a great day to reflect back on all the crap your Mother literally had to deal with when raising you, and thank her. Motherhood is not a punch job, there is no "clock out", even when your children are grown and gone they depend on you for the rest of their life. I personally think I have the best Mother in the world. SHE KNOWS EVERYTHING! Lol. You'd expect that kind of comment to come from a 14 year old girl, not from a 29 year old Mother. But I've got to say that I really don't think there is anyone else that has the kind of knowledge that she has, has such an amazing background, and raised amazing kids. It's hard to be compassionate yet fierce, and that's what she is. 

If I can be 1/1000 of the kind of Mother she is I'd be happy. I know there is a lot of people that feel like Mother's Day is a day for the gift card industry but I don't think so. I know there are so many times that I want to thank my Mom for everything she's done and continues to do and it just goes by the wayside. It gives me the opportunity to express how much she means to me by hand making a card, picking out flowers for her or making a present. And for that I'm grateful. There are also a lot of people that have lost their Mom and don't have this opportunity. 

So thank her for the times you threw up on the floor, all the times she wiped your butt, the times she answered the phone at all hours of the night, the times she put money in your bank account, the little things she picks up for you at the grocery store, the times she calms you down, the times she put life in perspective, cheers you on, and cries with you. There is no one else in the world that is like her. Mothers are the strongest people in the world. 


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