Friday, May 17, 2013


No Non-sense Nap time


I get really annoyed with people that tell me their kids wont nap. Or their kids won't do this, or their kids won't do that. 

Uhhhh, last time I checked YOU are the parent. I have a few friends that will probably not like to hear the severity of my words, but this is how I feel. And you are also entitled to you own opinion, now go make your own blog. 

Here are the facts:

- Most children need a nap mid-day until they are 6.
- Most kids don't nap because their parents cave in.
- Most children start to cry, rub their eyes, get emotional before a nap. Stay in tune with your child, they will let you know when they need a break.
- It needs to be continuous. Children THRIVE off of a schedule. 
- Same thing with it being daily, it also needs to occur in the same place. Again, kids thrive off of a routine. If you are unable to have your child sleep in the same place everyday (Like me, bear goes to school during the week) then create a dark, quiet place for them to sleep.
- Drowning out noise by creating white noise helps lull them into sleep.
- Most parents that think they should skip nap time and opt for an earlier bed time have children that wake during the night. They make wake and cry, or simply get into bed with you (THAT is an entirely different subject that I could talk about for days) and it's because of the lack of sleep!
- Continue the same thoughts with bed time. Keep them on a schedule.

If you are a parent of a child that doesn't nap or doesn't go to sleep easily, it probably because of YOU. This is not a problem in our home, because I don't let it be. Of course my son cries- but he's in bed. Of course he gets out, and I put him back in. Of course it makes me sad, but I know he NEEDS SLEEP.  

If you are wondering what a schedule in the house of the bears looks like (on a Saturday) here you go:

6:00am wake up!
6:15 breakfast
6:30 blocks
7:00 story time
7:30 water the garden/work outside
8:30 fruits/ coloring time
9:00 chores
10:00 lunch
10:30 letter recognition
11:00 story time
11:30 nap time
2:00 snack
2:15 play in pool
4:00 bike ride
4:30 free time
5:30 dinner
6:30 bath
7:00 story time
7:30 bedtime

This ensures he is properly educated, has enough exercise, does chores, eats well, and reads. Take this and make it your own! Print it and put it on the fridge. Bear loves to run to it to see what's next! 


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