The truth is I hate not having extra paper goods in the pantry.
The truth is I can NEVER keep up with the laundry.
The truth is I sometimes don't do a single dish for DAYS.
The truth is I can not iron.
The truth is I think someone is behind me in the dark.
The truth is I make amazing dishes or epic fails.. never in between.
The truth is I wish I had the life people think I do.
The truth is marriage is completely awesome, and incredibly hard at the same time.
The truth is parenting is as well.
The truth is most days I wake up and get ready in 15 minutes or less.
The truth is we might as well take the doors off of our bathroom because no one shuts them.
The truth is before pinterest the craftiest thing I did was... well... nothing.
The truth is I hope my son is exactly like my husband.
The truth is I can speed read like no other.
The truth is I am terrible at math, but am studying accountancy.
The truth is I have expensive taste.
The truth is I love tattoos.
The truth is I want another baby.
The truth is I haven't been to the gym in two weeks.
The truth is sometimes I over promise and under deliver.
The truth is sometimes skip a page or two in long story books at nap time.
The truth is when my son tells me his toothpaste is gross, I believe him.
The truth is when all other mommies taste or eat off their children plates it grosses me out.
The truth is I need a weekend away with my husband.
The truth is I never think I'll be good enough at something, and then blow myself away with successes.
The truth is I have read two of the three hunger games books in the last two weeks.
The truth is I love to paint.
The truth is I'm a hopeless romantic.
The truth is I'm not the best driver.
Truth is I've never owned a scale because I think too many people focus on a number.
Truth is I hate having notifications on my phone.
Truth is I think tweeting is incredibly pointless.
Truth is I think cell phone are a waste of money.
Truth is I love to cook.
Truth is I hate it when people wear shoes in our house.
Truth is I think smoking cigarettes are gross, but love cigars.
Truth is I picked up biting my nails again and I think it's gross.
Truth is I have a 36 in 360 list I haven't looked at in over a month.
Truth is I've already started counting the months until Christmas already.
Truth is I'm tried and going to sleep now :)