Friday, September 20, 2013

4 Month Hiatus

It pains me to come to the realization that I let my blog go, but sometimes life throws curve balls that cause you to drop everything else and zone in on one thing in particular. Not to mention, as most bloggers do, when something significant and emotional happens there is a "blogging mourning period" before we all feel confident enough to write about it.

I'm slowing returning to myself, or shall I say re-creating myself. There is Stephanie before child, Stephanie after child, Stephanie after marriage, Stephanie after divorce, and now... just Stephanie.

Even the start of today's post reminds me of why I started blogging (thank you Chrissy) to speak through my life and relate to someone and help.

Divorce is a nasty bitch. Even the most simplistic divorces leave emotional scars you have to work through. Unfortunately you don't wake up after a week and are back to normal, it's a change that occurs over time. For me divorce was the answer, for you it may not be. I can tell you this, I never anticipated ever getting divorced, but who does? You try your best, and because of the way society is now it's more socially acceptable and more feasible financially in this day in age. A lot of people say that in our grandparents generation they didn't divorce because they had a deeper commitment to each other and I think that's a hoax. In that day in age the wife didn't work, she took care of the children so financially it was almost impossible. The mentality when getting married was a marry someone that would take care of you. Thus the mentality that you don't leave someone that is there financially. It's actually sick if you think about it. Many of our grandparents stayed in relationships (and still are) that they are completely unhappy in.

Let me remind you that this is your one life.


There is no rewind, replay, erase. This is it.

With all of that said if you are considering divorce there are so many things to consider, the first piece of advice I'd offer is to take some time, make lists, and try to breathe. Make no rash decisions and follow your heart. The best piece of advice I received is "I'd rather my child come from a broken home then to be in one".

That's all I have to say about the D word.

But I wanted to let you all know where I've been and why there was such a long lapse between my blogs. I will try to resume to a more normal schedule, as fall is approaching I will be getting my crafty pants on and I can't wait to share in my new adventures.

With that look for the new style of Motherhood & things no one told you coming this way soon. Tis the week of revamping and renewing!


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