Tuesday, April 16, 2013


(I must preface this with the fact that I have a three year old begging for popcorn to my left and a husband that is putting me in charge of answering him to my right. So if there are a few grammatical errors I apologize.)

I have a lot of catching up to do today!

Remember that time I had a sister day? Well here is the final product!

It kind of looks like a plate in this picture, but it's actually a very large serving bowl. It's not perfect, but I love it.

Then remember that time I had a giveaway that one entry? Well they finally came in!!

Miss Sparkle will be here Thursday (literally I get to see here and I'm SO excited) and will guest post and talk about her awesome new step mommy shoes!

Many of you have probably seen the previous posts about my son, the email from his school, and sensed my frustration/confusion/concern. Well I'm happy to report that he's a normal 3.5 year old. He wrote his own name today and has learned quite a bit since I've been home with him (it's been 5 days).

SO- I want all Mom's to know that if a teacher even slightly HINTS at the fact that your child isn't up to par with the rest of her class, ask yourself- is she/he telling me the FULL truth? Because there are a lot of times that teachers want their class in the same place at the same time, and it's just not the way that it works. ALL children learn at a different pace and have different needs. Once we buckled down, bought helpful books and implemented more structure and learning in our household, we saw immediate results. Literally, immediate. 

Part of the reason our son was whining and crying was simply because he's so use to a structured environment at school (telling them when to eat, go to the bathroom, play outside, do art, learn about science) that being at home and not knowing what he's supposed to do was confusing to him. So now we set the timer (kitchen) for the amount of time we want to do an activity (eat, bath, play, tv, art, letters, outside, reading, nap, and bed) and he knows what we are doing and when we are done to clean and get ready for the next activity. It's made a HUGE difference in our home life and all but one of the last 5 days have been whining free and fight free.

It's still important to make sure you get your child tested for any LD (Learning disabilities). There are a lot that your child can't be tested for until they are slightly older than my child, but there are a lot of major ones they can be tested for at this age. Make sure to communicate with your pediatrician, and your child's teacher (they are usually the first to see signs of an LD if it's not earlier on) to keep everyone on the same page. 

In other news, I've been five days work free. Andifeelweird. 

I've enjoyed my time, but now I'm slightly bored. I've made sure to have dinner on the table with hubs gets home, the laundry done, the house clean, and myself bathed (lol) which is awesome.. but then I think.. is this all I was made for? I wish there was an easier way to balance work and family. I guess if I worked at home it would be easier because I could fit it into my own schedule (And I don't mean the "work from home, but it's like you're in the office work schedules"). So we will see what the future holds!

And I've been working out like a champ. Arms one day, legs the next, increasing running time (30 minutes every workout- ex. 6 min. running 4 min walking: 8 min. running 2 min walking) and I've GAINED 2 pounds ;) Remember, I'm not here to lose weight, I'm here to get in shape and muscle weighs more than fat. Too many women focus on their "NUMBER", and not the way they feel. My stomach is almost in shape and my legs are still SO sore. It doesn't take me long to get back in shape (I know I'm one of the lucky few, but sometimes I don't give myself enough credit, I run after a three year old constantly) but I'm starting to see results. 

I WILL post "in between" pictures tomorrow night.


I'm totally obsessed with a blog called 'The life of Bon".
I literally stalk the page and wait until there is a new post, I suggest if you like me you like and follow her.

Last but not least, the bombing in boston. I have to say, I'm numb to these events. Ever since 9-11, my brain and heart doesn't work the same way. The day the twin towers went down a part of my heart stopped working. I was at such a critical stage in my development that I think I learned that we are screwed as a country and am not surprised by anything anymore. I can still remember the day, the time, and the smell of where I was at the time of 9-11. That will be an entirely other blog because I could literally talk all day about how it affected me. Until then I will run tomorrow, not for myself, but for boston. 

I've missed blogging. My last two posts have been recipes and it's because I wasn't in the right frame of mind to spill my beans. I'm glad to be back :)


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