Sunday, April 28, 2013

Little sister

Well I've taken a small vacation from my responsibilities for the past few days and now I'm back!!

Friday I got to spend a very unexpected day with my littlest sister. 

She mentioned that she saw the beef enchiladas post, and ever since has a hankering for them. So we went to the grocery store and picked up necessary items. Little did she know that I was going to make HER cook them :) Her extent of cooking has been to make macaroni and cheese, hotdogs, and maybe a sandwich. She's a true 2000's child that hasn't taken interest in things us 80's children did.

So I was really excited to teach her something. She did fabulous, and I THINK I may have started a spark in interest cooking with her. Just maybe..

We also took time to go on a bike ride to the horses, play guess who, donate items, wash the cat, watch tv, and clean the floors. Whhhattttttt. Did I just say I got her to cook AND clean in the same YEAR??!! It is true, sometimes I can make miracles occur. I just made it into a game :) True mommy words there. I took four dishrags and we used them on our feet to mop the 2800 square foot house. Rules: You can't fall, you CAN shove, and the towels must stay on feet at all times. There was a ton of shoving, lots of screaming, and my Mother was the winner in the end since the floors were clean. 

I think there is a lot to say about the baby of the family. She is only 17, she is the baby, she's a girl, and she was diagnosed with Diabetes at age 10. So, she's spoiled rotten. There are times when I feel like we grew up in separate families but I have to remember we DID. There are four children in our family, me being the oldest and her being the youngest, and there is 12 years between us. (Stop doing the math I am close to 30 and already know it, thankyouverymuch). So my parents naturally relaxed by the time they got to her. I also have to remember that she is only 17, so if I say something like you are cooking, or you are cleaning her natural reaction is going to be "you're funny". But if you make things into a game it's not a chore anymore. Even today at 29 years old I'd rather things be a game. 

I am really glad I got to spend that unexpected time with her, she also taught ME how to do my math homework... whhaatttt. Yup. She's a math wizard (the good kind for now). Sometimes I wish we all lived in a huge house that had many quarters so that I could see everyone more often. Although my family moved from Texas to Arizona to be closer we don't spend that much time together. We all work different schedules, have different things going on and are at different stages of our lives. I'm trying to make more of an effort to spend more time with them. In that effort I arranged for Ms. Sparkle to take family photos. Here's the beautiful results! (and remember if you are in the phoenix area she is looking to be hired!!!)

If you're still reading I congratulate you. I'm still quite dizzy from the medicine I'm on (oh did I forget to mention our family is quarantined right now) so I'm sure I'm skipping all over the place and forgetting things. And that I just woke up from an 1 hour "nap"?! So this will be the end of my post today. I just wanted to say how much I do love my littlest even though sometimes she thinks I'm just a mean big sister. All I want her is to be better than me. Remember to tell your little sister/brothers that you love them!


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